WHO-WG: A WoLERY for OWL and RDF specification

Welcome to the WoLERY

W3C has created a number of recommendations and other documents related to OWL and RDF. These documents were created under the auspices of specifically and narrowly chartered working groups.

Once a working group has reached the end of it's charter, it is disbanded. Unfortunately, this means that if errors and ommisions are discovered in a document after the working group has expired, even if they are purely typographical, there is no way to correct the recommendations without rechartering a new working group. Chartering such a working group can be a difficult and time-consuming process.

At this time there are no W3C working groups whose charter covers the ongoing maintenance of OWL and RDF related documents. This leaves no ready mechanism in place for addressing important issues such the handling of RDF 1.1 simple literals in OWL 2.

Until a working group exists, the WHO-WG stands watch to guard the realms of OWLs.

Mission Statement



But if someone lays their hand on you, don't accept their pull request.

Initial Issues

There are several high priority issues affecting OWL 2, particularly those related to the RDF 1.1 elimination of plain literals and their replacement with simple literals.

OWL 2.0.1

RDF 1.1.1

SPARQL 1.1.1

Future Work

Mathjax check

Checking to see if the site is fixed and functional $$ Y = \lambda f.(\lambda x. f(x x))(\lambda x.f(x x)) $$

Identity management

The following lines should handle identity management: \begin{align} \forall x. x = x && \text{reflexivity}\\ \forall x,y,z. (x = y \wedge y = z \rightarrow x = z) && \text{transitivity}\\ \forall x,y.(x = y \rightarrow y = x) && \text{symmetry}\\ \forall x,y.(x = y \rightarrow \forall \Phi. (\Phi(x) \leftrightarrow \Phi(y))) && \text{indiscernibility of identicals}\\ \forall x,y.( \forall \Phi. (\Phi(x) \leftrightarrow \Phi(y)) \rightarrow x = y) && \text{identity of indiscernibles} \end{align}

Emergency Unicorns

$$ (\text{=1}\thinspace\mathsf{hasPart}.\mathsf{Horn}) \sqcap \mathsf{Horse} $$